This is to inform viewers, followers and commentators that this a voluntary work helping the needy people like street children and homeless individuals. This picture is not discriminating the status of every individuals ( Filipino ) but instead showing the conditions of particular people like the pictures below.

Alone, i can help them all according to my will. But because of this blog, there are fellow koreans who send their donations to make this voluntary works possible

Sunday, December 25, 2011


주먹밥과 닭고기 한점....집사람이 만들어서 아이들에게 가져다 주었다...배고픔을 주먹밥 하나로 해결이 될까마는 그래도 행복해하는 아이들이다..나도 여유가 너무 없다보니 이것조차도 해결하기가 벅차다.......

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