This is to inform viewers, followers and commentators that this a voluntary work helping the needy people like street children and homeless individuals. This picture is not discriminating the status of every individuals ( Filipino ) but instead showing the conditions of particular people like the pictures below.

Alone, i can help them all according to my will. But because of this blog, there are fellow koreans who send their donations to make this voluntary works possible

About Us
- is a personal webpage owned by Chul Soo Yang, that contains different scenario and situation of different people around who are suffering from poverty. All his point of views and opinions are express in this webpage.

- This webpage encourage people around to help these kids to have brighter future, as what Chul Soo did. But he cant accommodate and cannot make alone. For those who want to help this webpage is open for donation.


As a voluntary, we help street kids by giving them foods and shelter. With the help donations, we can give more support and help to people who really need our help.


To see those homeless living in a nice and safe place, to see those street kids having comfortable life by helping them moving on.