This is to inform viewers, followers and commentators that this a voluntary work helping the needy people like street children and homeless individuals. This picture is not discriminating the status of every individuals ( Filipino ) but instead showing the conditions of particular people like the pictures below.

Alone, i can help them all according to my will. But because of this blog, there are fellow koreans who send their donations to make this voluntary works possible

My Family

Im Chul Soo Yang, the father of my 3 kids and the only husband of Rowena Yang.

This is my wife Rowena Yang and my youngest daughter EA. They are my life and they are part of what i am now.

Rowena Yang is a loving wife, a responsible mother  and a business women.

He is always remind me how life is important, thats why he always care for us.
Chel Sea and his little sisteer EA, they are my precious daughters. They are my strength when i am weak. They make me smile when i am tired, they are my everything in this world.
I love my family more than anything in this world
Jae Woo yang - Our eldest son, a golfer an athlete, a good brother to his little sisters and a responsible son. I hope someday he will become successful in his career.
Good luck my son!