This is to inform viewers, followers and commentators that this a voluntary work helping the needy people like street children and homeless individuals. This picture is not discriminating the status of every individuals ( Filipino ) but instead showing the conditions of particular people like the pictures below.

Alone, i can help them all according to my will. But because of this blog, there are fellow koreans who send their donations to make this voluntary works possible

Monday, November 21, 2011

삶(Another Life)

재래시장에서 기타를 수리하는 친구의 아들이다. 누나는 학교를 가고 혼자 집에 있을 수가 없어 아빠를 따라 나왔다.... 종일을 시장바닥을 헤매다가 배도고프고 지쳐서 2개의 의자를 모아놓고 그위에서 잠들어있다.........

They slept anywhere without proper dress, for them its ok as long as they can sleep and spend night. 

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